Its 31 December 2020. I have just survived the most mind-blowingly crazy year along with EVERYONE in the world.  It’s been quite the journey. There have been tears and tantrums and anger and joy, so much joy, and rawness and love.  We’ve also learnt many lessons along the way as we’ve hadd the time to look in... Continue Reading →

Hello. Who are you?

In amongst the cacophony of soundbites, interviews and advice from strangers and celebrities, telling me to ‘be kind to myself’ and to ‘find your routine’, the occasional quote makes it through the melee and gets me thinking.  Listening to BBC Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac interviewing singer/songwriter James Blake was one of those moments recently. James... Continue Reading →

Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

9 months ago, in June 2019, I came up with a plan. I wanted to lose weight, stop smoking, get fit and sort my life out. You know, the sort of goals you make on a Saturday night, with the plan to start on Monday, and that you’ve failed at by Wednesday. It wasn’t original.... Continue Reading →

Furlough Learnings #1

Did you know that you can numb the pain of negative emotions by keeping yourself busy? I learned that the hard way this week. In the old normal world (what do we even call that time now? BC – Before Covid?) busy was paired with every emotion and event I had. Birthdays were happy and... Continue Reading →

Decisions, decisions

It's taken me ten days into my furlough from work to finally work out what I want to do with the next 6 weeks. I’ve been getting more and more anxious about what to do with this unexpected free time, to the extent that I’m pretty sure others could hear the voice inside my head... Continue Reading →

Space to Think

Between stimulus and response is a space. in that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Victor E. Frankl This leadership technique has always been a conundrum to me. it makes perfect sense, but I’ve never been able to catch that space between action and... Continue Reading →

Everything Changes But You

I’ve not unpacked my gym bag yet. It is waiting at the side of room to be picked up and used, frustrated in its current role as a placeholder for my exercise kit. All exercise starts and ends in my home now and my gym bag is unneeded. It is currently clutter, rather than a... Continue Reading →

For Best

I get it from Dad. He’s renown for ‘saving things for best’. He regularly wears clothes for the first time that he’ll have bought 2 years ago as it hasn’t been the right time to wear it before then. I seem to have picked up the same habits and have drawers of unused lovely things... Continue Reading →

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